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OPG Miroslava Jović

Agriculture and production of young goat meat, veal and beef

About us

About us

OPG Miroslava Jović is engaged in agriculture, I am the owner of a family farm and I am also engaged in the production of quality young goat meat, veal and beef.

I started production in 2018.

My goal is to expand the economy with cows, sheep, sows and engage in eco sales.

I want to tell customers to buy Croatian, quality and from the pasture.


Brezovo Polje 58,
Glina 44400
See map


Owner: Miroslava Jović
MIPBG: : 252552
OPG Miroslava Jović produces quality young goat meat, veal and beef. Miroslava is persistent and loves work, order, and discipline.
Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija" https://hamagbicro.hr/
The creation of this website was co-financed by the European Union from European Structural and Investment Funds Krajnji korisnik financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz ESIF mikro zajmovi za obrtna sredstva u sklopu Operativnog programa konkurentnosti i kohezije