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OPG Šešet Josip

Vegetables and various seedlings of herbaceous and fruitful vegetables

About us

About us

OPG Šešet Josip for many years has been producing various vegetables and vegetable seedlings (third-generation) on our family farm.

We strive to meet the needs of our long-term customers and adapt to the market so that our production always follows demand trends.


Regionalna samouprava

Varaždin county

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Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija" https://hamagbicro.hr/
The creation of this website was co-financed by the European Union from European Structural and Investment Funds Krajnji korisnik financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz ESIF mikro zajmovi za obrtna sredstva u sklopu Operativnog programa konkurentnosti i kohezije