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OPG Tubanjski

Production of almonds, almond oil and walnuts

About us

About us

With the establishment of the family farm in 2020, from the hobby of gardening, the family started a more serious raising of 1.2 ha of almond plantations for consumption and processing into almond oil and we expect the first serious fruits through investments in the next 5-6 years. Furthermore, we own 1.5 ha of walnut plantations of the Milotai 10 variety, which is currently in the phase of renewal and additional planting of new varieties of Chandler and Lara P., and we also expect the first yields from this plantation in 3-4 years.


Possibility of delivery: NO


Školska ulica 9,
Antunovac 31216
See map
NUMBER OF Ha: 2,70




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