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OPG Željko Đurin

Grapevine cultivation and wine production

About us

About us

OPG Željko Đurin is a small farm with a long family tradition of growing vines at the foot of the highest mountain in Hrvatsko zagorje, Ivanšćica. Production for the so-called. We replaced natural consumption (I produced – I drank) by increasing the area of ​​vineyards and opening the Family Farm in 2010.

As in the rest of the subregion, the production of white wines is preferred in this vineyard. In recent decades, the assortment has greatly improved thanks to the planting of high-quality varieties such as Ranjski Riesling, Sauvignon, Pinot Blanc, and other varieties. With winemaking, which is traditionally good, with the introduction of quality varieties and controlled fermentation, the quality of wine has significantly improved. The wines contain between 11 and 13 vol. Percent alcohol, are aromatic, and due to the slightly higher content of total acids, they are extremely pleasantly fresh.

Our wines have won awards at family farm fairs, which confirms the quality and puts the crown on our year-round work. We offer the Sauvignon varietal wine and a mixture of Rhine Riesling, Graševina, Sauvignon, and Pinot Blanc varieties.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us on the mobile number: 098/725 676; via email zeljko.djurin1@gmail.com. Visit our Facebook page “OPG Željko Đurin”.


We have a certificate of passing the exam for the cellar manager and a WinAcon wine academy certificate for a wine evaluator.

Exhibitions: Regular participation in the evaluation of wines of the Croatian Agricultural Association, Varaždin County and association of winegrowers and winegrowers

Awards won: According to the Croatian Agricultural Association, in 2021 a gold medal – Rhine Riesling; silver medal – sauvignon and a mixture of varieties

Membership in associations/cooperatives: a member of the Association of Winegrowers and Winemakers “Peharček” Ivanec

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